~ OpenBox Minimal Configurations ~
~[ Make sure u have installed this ]~
* WM : Openbox
* Terminal : kitty
* Application launcher : Rofi
* Bar : Tint2
* Compositor : Picom
* Notification : dunst
* Screenshot : flameshot
* Network Manager : nm-applet
* Power Manager : network-manager-applet
* Dock : Plank
* Volume Control : pavucontrol
* Volume Tray : volumeicon
* Policy kit Authentication : polkit-gnome
* Wallpaper Utility : feh
* File Manager : thunar
* Browser : Brave -> As my choice you can use your own choice
* Desktop root menu : obmenu-generator
~[ Touchpad gestures ]~
* libinput-gestures
* gestures
[ Grab them from aur with paru or yay | or build it from source ]
~[ Themes Configurations ]~
* obconf -> first install this to set openbox themes and configuring openbox from gui app
* https://github.com/dracula/openbox -> use dracula without border
* paru -S tela-circle-icon-theme-git -> Icon theme
* https://github.com/catppuccin/gtk -> Use this gtk theme as i have rice everything based on catppuccin mocha colorplate
~[ Fonts ]~
* JetBrains Mono Nerd Fonts -> [ Must Install ]
* Hack Nerd Fonts -> Application launcher font [ must install ]
* Cantrell
* Roboto
* https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads -> download nerdfonts from here
* fc-cache -v -> relaod font cache
~[ Installation ]~
* git clone https://github.com/TheLinuxGuy001/openbox-minimal.git && cd openbox-* && ls -l
* cp -rv openbox ~/.config/ -> if openbox directory already exists then remove it
* openbox --reconfigure && openbox --restart -> restarts and reconfigure openbox Wms
* obmenu-generator -p -i -> dynamic menu with icons
~[ Shadow Color Change ]~
Just search for following line on ~/.config/openbox/configurations/picom/picom.conf & uncomment them | you can also change colors accordingly using RGB values
* shadow-red = 180
* shadow-green = 190
* shadow-blue = 254
~[ ScreenShots ]~
~[ Simple & Elegant Look ]~
~[ Pink Shadow ]~
~[ App Launcher ]~
~[ PowerMenu ]~
~[ Notification ]~
[Note : All the dependencies and Fonts needs to be properly installed otherwise may not work properly ]