An adapter for commitizen that follows the angular commit standard. Initially forked from Updater/cz-conventional-clubhouse this version provides additional questions intended to help aid users of Shortcut.
This adapter adds 1 feature to commitizen/cz-conventional-changelog:
- The ability to link the specific commit to a Shortcut story via:
A user only needs to know the story number to link the story. The
specific syntax is added for you. The story number is also pre-populated using when creating your branch with the <BranchType>/SC-<STORYNUMBER>
naming convetion. Example: feature/SC-123
yarn add commitizen cz-conventional-shortcut
Use as any commitizen adapter by setting path
in your package.json
commitizen config:
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "cz-conventional-shortcut"