- 🔭 Currently working on:
Developing a mobile app with a focus on improving the user interface for better intuitiveness and optimizing the app's performance to reduce loading times. - 🌱 Learning:
- Diving deep into Python with libraries like
for data analysis. - Exploring web development frameworks like
- Diving deep into Python with libraries like
- 👯 Looking for collaboration on:
Open-source AI projects, especially in areas like natural language processing and computer vision. - 🤔 Seeking help with:
Advanced machine learning algorithms, such as neural network architectures and gradient descent optimization. - 💬 Ask me about:
Mobile app development, Python programming, or my experiences in exploring new technologies. - 📫 Reach me at:
liucan01234@gmail.com - ⚡ Fun fact:
I once participated in a hackathon where my team built a basic e-commerce app in just 48 hours!