Java app to visualize n-body movement in changing gravitational field
java-planets-simulator is a tool to create simple visualizations of some circular object in a gravitational field. It is quite well optimized so you can run it even on consumer hardware. It uses swing to render graphics.
Have Fun! 😄 Github Repo
The most noteworthy frameworks and technologies.
- Java
- Swing
there are no releases for java-planets-simulator currently. The easyiest way to run it for now is to download whole project and then open it in your Java IDE of choice and then run it.
- Java
- Any Java IDE eg. IntelliJ IDEA
- Java JDK (correto-17). Your IDE should resolve it by itself
- Clone the repo
git clone
Install all nessecery JDKs. Your IDE should resolve it by itself.
Use available functions through user interface. It allows you to dial in many aspects of your visualization. More features in the near future!.
updates are planned in the near future.
- Add system of dynamic objects
- Add feature of editing existing object
- Create styling system
- Increase accuracy of animation
- Make more pharameters changable by user
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Made with love by Krzysztof Borowski -
Project Link: