Simple web app to search in the archive of The Blog. It was recruitment task for software developer position. Currently it serves as a demo of my frontend work.
The Blog Explorer is an assesment project.
The most noteworthy frameworks and technologies.
To get started, install packages for the frontend and backend. Afterward, open two separate terminal windows and run each of them.
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd the-blog-explorer
- Install npm packages for backend
cd backend
npm i
- Run node server
npm run start
Express backend should run on localhost:8000
4. Install npm packages for frontend (in a new terminal window)
cd the-blog-explorer/frontend
npm i
- Run frontend server
npm run start
React app should run on localhost:3000
Go to localhost:3000 in your internet browser. To find a specific post you can use search bar located in the middle of the web page. You can use this search bar to quickly find specific blog posts based on keywords or REGEX. Simply enter your search query and click the search button. The app will then display the relevant posts matching your search criteria.
Posts are conveniently seperated into multiple pages. If there are more posts available than what can displayed on the current page, you can use the pagination buttons on the bottom to navigate through the different pages.
App supports dark and light theme based on your device system settings. Darkmode can be toggled using a button in the top right corner.
No updates are planned in the near future.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Made with love by Krzysztof Borowski -
Project Link: