Backend for booking Yoga Classes built on Ktor-Server
- Built HTTP POST end points for the login, # and register features with corresponding models for the Response request and Body.
- Implemented the HTTP GET end point for authentication, which contains the JWT Auth token in header and unique user id in the query param.
- Used Kotlin Coroutines for multithreading
- Used salting and hashing techniques and algorithms like SHA256 & HMAC signature, to protect the user data and privacy.
- Used a clean architecture and basic design patterns for scalability.
- Backend: Kotlin Ktor-Server
- Database: KMongo Atlas
- Container: Docker
- IDE: IntelliJ Idea
- API Testing: Postman
Schema for the NoSQL collection -
ER Diagram -
Note: In case the image does not load, follow this link
- Base url -
Refer this url for the postman documentation -
The app contains a Dockerfile which can be used to containerize the application and is thus Cloud Native.
The app is currently deployed on renderer & the database is hosted on AWS.
Refer to this url for steps to containerize this app using docker -
- Note: Since the app is hosted using a free plan of render, the server stops after being idle for some time.
- Desi Jugaad: Make sure to hit the base end point a couple of times before using the app until you see this message - "Welcome to the Yoga App!" to wake the server up from sleep and make it up and running!
- Learnt the complete backend development using Kotlin Ktor Server and KMongo Atlas NoSQL database.
- Explored Docker to make the app cloud native and for ease of deployment.
- Learnt to host the app on a hosting service like renderer.
- Learnt how to use postman for making API calls and to build an attractive API documentation.
- Learnt about Database Schema and ER Diagram.
- Concepts like routing, serialization, hashing, salting