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This project demonstrates how to set up an e-commerce store with Next.js.


This is not a real e-commerce store. You can not buy the products presented on the deployed page. The page does not save or process any personal data.

Project Theme

Welcome to Custom ARCADE, your trusted platform for building custom arcade machines. The platform offers an interactive landing page, an about page with information about the project, a blog page with articles about building arcade machines and a shop page offering various products related to microelectronics. The product overview can be filtered by type and more information about each product is available at its specific product page. Each product can be added to the cart. The user can navigate to the cart via the cart preview or the cart icon in the navigation bar. On the cart page it is possible to modify the selected products or the user can continue to the checkout page.

You can visit the delpoyed project at:

Landing page with links to shop


Landing page snake game

As a special feature the user can play a game of classic snake and try to beat the Custom ARCADE highscore. image

Blog page


Shop page without filters


Shop page with filter


Specific product page


Cart preview and cart page



Checkout page



  • Next.js
  • Postgres.js
  • Jest
  • Playwright

Run the project locally

Clone the main branch of this repository to your local machine and navigate into the cloned project folder.

Install dependencies using pnpm

Open a CLI in the project folder and run:

pnpm install

Start database

Setup the database as mentioned below. To start the database run:


Populate database

The database is populated with migrations (using the ley library, which is a dependency of this project). Run the following command to populate the database:

pnpm migrate up

Run local development server

You can start a local development version of the project on 'localhost:3000' by running the following command:

pnpm dev

Database Setup

If you don't have PostgreSQL installed yet, follow the instructions from the PostgreSQL step in UpLeveled's System Setup Instructions.

Copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env (ignored from Git) and fill in the necessary information.

Then, connect to the built-in postgres database as administrator in order to create the database:


If it asks for a password, use postgres.

psql -U postgres


psql postgres


sudo -u postgres psql

Once you have connected, run the following to create the database:

CREATE DATABASE <database name>;
CREATE USER <user name> WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<user password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name> TO <user name>;
\connect <database name>
CREATE SCHEMA <schema name> AUTHORIZATION <user name>;

Quit psql using the following command:


On Linux, it is best practice to create an operating system user for each database, to ensure that the operating system user can only access the single database and no other system resources. A different password is needed on Linux because passwords of operating system users cannot contain the user name. First, generate a random password and copy it:

openssl rand -hex 16

Then create the user, using the database user name from the previous section above. When you are prompted to create a password for the user, paste in the generated password.

sudo adduser <user name>

Once you're ready to use the new user, reconnect using the following command.

Windows and macOS:

psql -U <user name> <database name>


sudo -u <user name> psql -U <user name> <database name>

Run Tests

To execute tests install jest for unit testing and playwright for integration testing and run the following commands in your CLI.


pnpm jest


pnpm playwright test


The project is deployed on using docker containers.

  • Docker


E-Commerce store built with Next.js






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