Single-Page Application made to a movie theater, using React Router
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This application has the following features:
- Display a catalog including a broad range of movies
- Lists lots of sessions to the choosen movie
- Show up a grid of available seats
- Enables the user to choose their seats and also input their name and CPF
- Shows the receipt with all the useful informatin about the user and movie session
- Also, enables the user to navigate to past pages with a left arrow button located at the page's top right
- And, on the final receipt page, it's possible to go back to the home page
The following tools and libs were used in the construction of the project:
Clone this repository
Install dependencies
npm i
- Run the front-end with
npm start
- Finally, access http://localhost:3000 (the port ':3000' is subjected to changes) on your favorite browser (unless it is Internet Explorer. In this case, review your life decisions)
- LinkedIn - Lucas Azzolini Vieira
- Frontend Mentor - @Lucas-zz
- GMail -