Fully customizable SMS interface to OpenAI deployed with Twilio and Flask.
- All models are hosted on OpenAI's API are supported
- All model settings including system_prompt are modifiable mid conversation
- Messages are stored in SQL db giving GPT memory of the conversation history
- Images can be created edited using the #image command
- Token limits, message rate limits, etc support soon
textGPT Commands
TextGPT Commands:
- prints this help message
#get [<key>|'settings']
- get your current setting for <key> or all settings
#set <key> <value>
- set your current setting for <key> to <value>
Keys for #get and #set:
- model: the OpenAI model to use
- system_prompt: the prompt to use to insruct the model of what to do
- stop_sequence: the sequence of tokens to use to stop the model from generating more tokens
- max_tokens: the maximum number of tokens to generate
- temperature: the sample temperature to use when generating tokens (higher = more random)
- top_p: the nucleus sampling probability to use when generating tokens (higher = more random)
- frequency_penalty: the frequency penalty to use when generating tokens (higher = more conservative)
- presence_penalty: the presence penalty to use when generating tokens (higher = more conservative)
#reset ['all'|'messages'|'settings']
- all: resets everything
- messages: resets all messages
- settings: resets all settings
- prints all available models
- prints your current usage limits
#image <'create'|'edit'|'variation'> <prompt>
- create: creates an image from the prompt
- edit: edits an image from the prompt
- variation: creates a new variation of an image
infinite-free-ngrok.sh Usage
Shell script to run ngrok in a loop and update the webhook url in Twilio each time ngrok restarts after ~2 hours
- Usage:
./infinite-free-ngrok.sh <flask port> <timeout>
- Requires Twilio account SID, auth token, and phone number exported as environment variables