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Frontend Mentor - Calculator app solution

This is a solution to the Calculator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users are able to:

  • See the size of the elements adjust based on their device's screen size
  • Perform mathmatical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Adjust the color theme based on their preference
  • Bonus: Continue calculating where they left off, even if the tab is already closed but the browser window is still open
  • Bonus: Always start with their favorite theme, because it will be saved even if the entire browser window is closed


Theme 1

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 3


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • SCSS for clean, easy and less CSS
  • custom HTML data attribute in combination with SCSS mixin and maps to handle the three different themes
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • JavaScript: localStorage and sessionStorage to store the current calculation result and the current theme

What I learned

In this project I learned how to use HTML, SCSS and JavaScript to add different color themes to the website.

First, you should set a data-theme attribute in HTML for the body element with the name of the default theme. This is how I did it:

<body data-theme="theme-1">

Then in JavaScript, for example when you click on a button or toggle button, you can set this data-theme attribute according to the name of the chosen theme:

document.body.dataset.theme = 'theme-2';

Then in SCSS it is best to create one or more files with the themes and their respective style rules. One file could look like this:

$theme1: (
    'clr_example': #3a4764,
    'fs_example': 24px

$theme2: (
  'clr_example': #3a4764,
  'fs_example': 24px

$theme3: (
  'clr_example': #3a4764,
  'fs_example': 24px

You can then access them from another SCSS file after importing them there with

@use './themes';

With the help of a mixin and the map function, the previously defined variables can now be inserted according to the currently selected theme via the data-theme attribute of the body element:

@use 'sass:map';

@mixin theme($name, $map) {
    body[data-theme=#{$name}] {
        background-color: map.get($map, 'clr_example');

        .text {
          font-size: map.get($map, 'fs_example');

Now you only have to include the mixin for each theme:

@include theme('theme-1', themes.$theme1);
@include theme('theme-2', themes.$theme2);
@include theme('theme-3', themes.$theme3);

Useful resource



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