Before we start ensure you have one of the supported devices:
- iPhone 5,1 (iPhone 5 GSM)
- iPhone 5,2 (iPhone 5 Global)
- iPhone 5,3 (iPhone 5c GSM)
- iPhone 5,4 (iPhone 5c Global)
- iPad 3,4 (iPad 4 Wi-Fi)
- iPad 3,5 (iPad 4 GSM)
- iPad 3,6 (iPad 4 Global)
- Download the .ipa file from latest release
- Install the .ipa file using Sideloadly
- Open the "Socket" app on your device and press "jailbreak"
- Enjoy!
- On your device go to
- Select Socket and press "install" when prompted
- Go into settings and trust the application
- Open the "Socket" app on your device and press "jailbreak"
- Enjoy!
Jailbreak website:
Socket Repo:
Socket supports all versions of iOS 10, but please note iOS 10.0.2-10.3.2 have not been tested.
By default this jailbreak does NOT install Cydia, instead it uses Zebra
Also note that this jailbreak does NOT destroy sandbox containers, you may have to resign some apps using the container-resign package, which can be found in the base Socket Repo in Zebra (you need to install this to use it). Then you can run the command as show below using a terminal or ssh. This only is for iOS 10.3 - 10.3.4.
container-resign <path-to-binary>
container-resign /Applications/
As with all jailbreaks, there is NO WARRANTY with this software, so use at your own risk.
If you have an issue please report it via this repo's issues tab.
Brandon Azad
iosurface.c & bits from mach_swap
patches/finder & bits from p0insettia
Jake James
sock_port2 kernel exploit
Ned Williamson
socket bug (CVE-2019-8605)
bits for kernel pmap patching
sock_port 32bit support & fixes