A local business centered social network, where everything you need is CloseBuy.
- Businesses can post to the app
- Users can view the posts if they follow the business, or if they are in proximity to the business
- The user can view a map of all the businesses around them
- MVVM Design pattern
- SwiftUI
- UIKit
- Firebase (Authentication, Storage, Firestore)
- MapKit
- Core Animation
- The user is capable of creating and editing their own profile, including display name, bio, profile picture and profile banner in real-time.
- The users can also view all posts they have liked on their profile.
- The feed-follow system works by, if the user is following an account, they gets posts by that account in their feed.
- The user is also capable of following users through the explore feature which lists all accounts (except the user)
- This was my first big project using SwiftUI, so I learned a lot of SwiftUI.
- I increased my understanding of database management and models, as well as the use of third party frameworks like Firebase.
- Reusability of code to better the user experience.
- Asynchronous data fetching with completion blocks and error handling with try, catch blocks.
- Twitter - @connorLynchx
- Want to hire me? - LinkedIn