Note: The detailed explanations and protocols will be shared upon the acceptance and publication of the associated research paper.
This project investigates the use of Motor Imagery (MI) Electroencephalography (EEG) signals in building an optimal MI-BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) system. Data was collected from 15 healthy participants performing Motor Imagery tasks (Hand, Feet, Tongue, Singing MI) for durations of 8-20 seconds.
Recording Session: Hit the play to see!
- Classification Accuracy: Determine how accurately long MI-EEG signals can be classified.
- Paradigm Comparison: Compare the performance of continuous versus switch control paradigms in MI-BCI systems.
- Participant Preferences: Investigate which MI tasks participants prefer for long MI-BCI sessions.
- Optimal System Design: Develop an online MI-BCI system that supports participant needs and achieves reliable classification accuracy.
MI Tasks Comparison:
- Comparison of 4 MI tasks used in terms of classification accuracy.
- Participant feedback on these MI tasks.
Training Data Requirements:
- Determine the minimum amount of training data needed for optimal performance.
Epoching, classifiers and Number of Features Comparison:
- Compare Epoching, classifiers and Number of Features.
Optimal Configuration:
- Best configuration for an online MI-BCI system based on classification accuracy, statistical analysis and the amount of time for training.
Participant Results:
Misclassification Chart:
- Visualization of misclassification trends.
Switch vs Continuous Comparison:
- Comparative results between the two paradigms.
Task Difficulty Ratings:
- Participant difficulty ratings results (scale: 1-5).
Statistical Analysis Results: Overall 5 different tests were used based on the purpose of the compariosn and the distribution of the data. ( Friedman, Nemenyi, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U, Pearson)
1- Compariosn of Differnt MI Tasks:
2- Compariosn of Taining Blocks Size:
3- Compariosn of Different Window Size:
4- Compariosn of Different Classifiers:
5- Compariosn of Feature Set Size:
6- Compariosn of MI Tasks in the Optimal Configuration:
7- Compariosn of Task Difficulty Ratings:
8- Compariosn of Control Paradigm:
The discussion section will be made available after the paper submission.
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Note: Additional details and protocols will be shared upon the acceptance and publication of the associated research paper.