install jenkins on your server
docker exec -u 0 -it Jenkinscontainer bash // enter to jenkins container as root
prepare so that jenkinscontainer can access the root server without a password with a public key
// you can check the tutorial for local pc and server here authentication /
and try the pipeline
check jenkins global configuration at image folder.
- Click New Item
- Enter an item name for your pipeline name and then click ok (image/new_1.png)
- Choose 'Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL:' at Build Trigers
- And select your trigger like a push event or accept merge request.
- Generate webhook secret token then add webhook jenkins url and secret token to your gitlab webhook repositories settings (image/new_2.png).
- And then go to Pipeline setting then select definition to 'Pipeline script from SCM' (image/new_3.png).
- Select SCM to Git and add your repository URL, credentials who can access your repository from jenkins and which branch you want to build your script (image/new_4.png)
- and click Save