This base model simulates the growth behavior of trees in the Savanna ecosystem of the Kruger National Park (KNP) and the Bushbuckridge Municipality. It was developed as part of the EMSAfrica project.
The model is used as a submodule of the Bushbuckridge Firewood Collection Model and the KNP Elephant Model.
Lenfers, U.A., Ahmady-Moghaddam, N., Glake, D., Ocker, F., Weyl, J., Clemen, T., 2022. Modeling the Future Tree Distribution in a South African Savanna Ecosystem: An Agent-Based Model Approach. Land 11, 619.
Lenfers, U.A., Weyl, J., Clemen, T., 2018. Firewood collection in South Africa: Adaptive behavior in social-ecological models. Land 7, 97.
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