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Hadder Discord is a multi-purpose Discord bot with 100% uptime.

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Hadder Team



A few commands

Command Description
h.about Shows information about Hadder
h.avatar Sends the avatar of the specified Member
h.ban Bans one or more users from the server
h.bass Change the bass for the song which is played at the moment
h.clear Deletes the specified number of messages
h.clyde Sends a message as a webhook named Clyde
h.code Shows information about a invite code
h.corona Shows the newest stats of COVID-19
h.echo Sends your voice through Hadder
h.editrules Edits the rules message
h.equals Checks if two strings are equal Sends feedback directly to the developers
h.gif Looks for a GIF on Giphy
h.github Displays information about a GitHub user profile Shows each command and explains its usage Shows information about the playing song
h.invite Shows the invitation link to invite Hadder to your server
h.invitedetect Activate or deactivate the Discord invite link detection
h.join Joins your voice channel
h.kick Kicks one or more user from the server
h.language Sets the new primary language for a user
h.loop Repeats a song/queue Sends you a random meme
h.moveall Moves all users in the source channel to the target channel
h.nick Rename a one or more user
h.pause Pause the playing song Shows the ping to the Discord API Plays the specified song
h.prefix Sets the Guild-Prefix
h.profile Shows some information about the specified user
h.queue Shows the music queue
h.regionchange Changes the server region to locked regions
h.role Adds and removes one or more role(s) from one or more user(s)
h.rules Setup the rules on your Discord server
h.screenshare Shows you the link to share your screen
h.serverstats Shows information about a server
h.skip Skips the currently playing song
h.starboard Sets the starboard channel
h.stop Stops the song
h.volume Change the volume of the music