A Neovim plugin to simplify Vue component creation and extraction. This plugin allows you to:
- Create new Vue components with predefined templates
- Extract selected code to a new component file
- Keep organized component structure in your project
- Automatically detect TypeScript projects and use appropriate templates
- 🚀 Quick component creation with predefined templates
- ✂️ Cut and paste code into a new component
- 🧹 Automatic code indentation and formatting
- 📁 Automatic directory creation
- 🔌 Customizable templates and configuration
- 🔍 TypeScript detection and integration
Using lazy.nvim
return {
ft = { "vue", "javascript", "typescript", "javascriptreact", "typescriptreact" }, -- Filetypes to load the plugin for
cmd = { "VueComponent", "VueTemplate", "VueTypescriptComponent" },
config = function()
components_dir = "src/components/", -- Customize for your project
Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
The plugin provides three main commands:
:VueComponent components/buttons/PrimaryButton
This creates a new file at components/buttons/PrimaryButton.vue
with the default template.
:VueTypescriptComponent components/buttons/PrimaryButton
This creates a new file with TypeScript support (lang="ts"
attribute in the script tag).
- Select code in visual mode
- Run
:VueComponent components/cards/InfoCard
- The selected code will be cut from the current file and placed in the new component
To create or extract a component with only a <template>
:VueTemplate components/icons/CloseIcon
The plugin can automatically detect TypeScript projects and use TypeScript templates when appropriate:
- If a
file is found in your project root - When the
command is used explicitly - You can force TypeScript mode through configuration
You can customize the plugin by passing a configuration table to the setup function:
-- Base directory for components (relative to project root)
components_dir = "src/components/",
-- Space size for indentation
indent_size = 2,
-- Whether to automatically format pasted code
auto_format = true,
-- TypeScript configuration
force_typescript = false, -- Always use TypeScript templates
auto_detect_typescript = true, -- Automatically detect TypeScript projects
-- Custom templates
templates = {
-- Default template with script and template
default = [[<script setup>
-- Template-only components
template_only = [[<template>
-- TypeScript template
typescript = [[<script setup lang="ts">
<style scoped>