This is a modified version of the software DSSP-2.2.1 (
It can process Molecular Dynamics trajectories in the DCD format, from CHARMM, NAMD or X-PLOR (only CHARMM tested)
see README.orig.txt from the initial author, i.e. Maarten L. Hekkelman.
Code for reading DCD files comes from
A C++ compiler compatible with standard c++2011 is required.
Requires the Boost c++ library.
Use the provided makefile for compiling ; edit the make.config if the path to Boost Libraries need to be precised.
Original work from Maarten L. Hekkelman ==> Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 ; see LICENSE.orig.txt
Code for reading DCD files, from Florent Hedin ==> Distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later