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MODFLOW developer tools

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Python development tools for MODFLOW 6.

Use cases

This is a small toolkit for developing MODFLOW 6, FloPy, and related projects. It includes standalone utilities and optional Pytest extensions.

Utilities include:

  • a minimal GitHub API client for retrieving release information and downloading assets
  • a ZipFile subclass that preserves file permissions (workaround for Python #15795)
  • other release/distribution-related tools

Pytest features include:

  • --keep <path> tempdir fixtures for each scope
  • a --smoke test (abbrev. -S) CLI option shortcut
  • markers to skip test cases conditional on
    • operating system
    • Python packages installed
    • executables available on the PATH
  • test fixtures for example / test models in
    • MODFLOW-ORG/modflow6-examples
    • MODFLOW-ORG/modflow6-testmodels
    • MODFLOW-ORG/modflow6-largetestmodels


Python3.9+, dependency-free, but pairs well with pytest and select plugins, e.g.


modflow-devtools is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

pip install modflow-devtools

Pytest, pytest plugins, and other testing-related dependencies can be installed with:

pip install "modflow-devtools[test]"

To install from source and set up a development environment please see the developer documentation.

To import pytest fixtures in a project consuming modflow-devtools, add the following to a test file or file:

pytest_plugins = [ "modflow_devtools.fixtures" ]

Note: this must be a top-level, which nested files may then override or extend.


Docs are available at

For more info on MODFLOW 6 see the USGS overview.