A website with free tools which you can use to analyse your data...
submission for the Timathon 2021 (March)
These are some problems faced by people-
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Searching for a free data analyzer and visualizer.
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Fed up analyzing huge chunks of data.
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Want all the different types of graphs for their data
We, present you with Mentis Oculi
having all the necessary tools to analyze your data and visualize it
in your preferable graph type! 🧐
Mentis Oculi also offers you with ability to manipulate, make modifications and add more records to your
existing data and export your model as an Excel, pdf or a png file.
1. Analyse Your Data.
2. Make Manipulations To It And Export It.
3. Visulize It In The Form Of Various Types Of Grpahs.
Quick Note: 1) If you want you can test Mentis Oculi with the sample data provided in the sample data folder in the repository.
2) For the time being we only support 2d Arrays(2 rows, 2 columns) for charts, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Computer Screen.
1.👉Go To Mentis Oculi Website
2.👉 Create An Account.
If you already have an account then Login Here.
3.👉Click On Get Started
Or Components.
You can analyze or visualize your data through a table or a chart.
- Select an Excel file and submit.
- Mentis Oculi will deliver you that file in tabular form with some tools to make modifications to your data.
- When you are done, you can export your manipulated data into Excel or PDF format.
- Select an Excel file, select the chart type and submit.
- Mentis Oculi will deliver you that file in that particular chart type.
- You can export your chart or graph into PNG or JPG file.
If you liked our website, kindly do us a favour by voting us in the Codejam 😀
Made With Love ❤️ By - MONzTER DEVS