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Discord bot handling the management of the MUN Computer Science Society Discord server.


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Discord bot handling the management of the MUN Computer Science Society Discord server

For feature requests / help getting the bot running, don't fret to ask questions in the #automata channel in the guild!

Running locally

  1. Clone the project by running, and change into the directory by running cd ./Automata

  2. Copy .env.dist to .env

  3. Fill out the required information in the .env

    • At the moment, the required environment variables are:

      • AUTOMATA_TOKEN: A Discord token, which you can see how to get here
      • AUTOMATA_PRIMARY_GUILD: The ID of the Discord server you will be testing in. You can find this by following the instructions here.
      • AUTOMATA_EXECUTIVE_DOCS_CHANNEL: The ID of the channel to post executive docs notifications to. This can be any channel in your primary guild, with the warning that it'll be a bit noisy on first start. You can find this by following the instructions here.


Note about running locally and avoiding spam:

When this bot was smaller, it wasn't so bad to run all the plugins; but since we have 10+, and some of them do some data fetching / loading on startup, the logs can get a bit loud.

If you're working on a plugin, you can add its name to the AUTOMATA_ENABLED_PLUGINS env. var (like AUTOMATA_ENABLED_PLUGINS=["PluginName"]), and it will be the only plugin that will be loaded.

This env. var is a JSON-encoded list, so you can enable multiple plugins at once.

Once done, follow the instructions under either of the headings below, depending on how you wish to run the bot.

With Docker

Start the containers by running docker-compose up -d

Without Docker

  1. Install uv and Python 3.12 or above.

  2. Run MongoDB

    • You can use Docker for running MongoDB (recommended), by starting only the mongo container with docker-compose up -d mongo
    • Alternatively, you can install Mongo via whatever means is recommended for your OS
  3. Install the dependencies with uv sync

  4. Run the bot using uv run python -m automata

Developing your own plugins

Features are provided to the bot via plugins - if you wish to add your own functionality, you should build your own plugin. To do so:

  1. Create a new file in automata/plugins for your plugin
  2. Add to your file the code for your plugin
    • This plugin will be a cog - you can refer to their docs for examples of the things you can do and how to do them
    • You can use as a simple example
  3. In automata/plugins/, import your plugin and add it to the all_plugins list
    • Once again, you can copy this from the example

Once done, you can run your plugin locally by following the instructions under Running your changes locally.

Running your changes locally

Using Docker

  1. Edit the docker-compose.yml, and comment out the image line in the automata container and uncomment the build line
  2. Edit the bot core or the plugins as you wish
  3. Start the container, forcing a rebuild of the image using docker-compose up -d --build

Without Docker

If you do not want to run the bot in Docker, you can just start the bot using the instructions from Running locally - no special steps required.

Pushing changes to GitHub

  1. Fork this repository, clone your fork, and commit your changes to a branch on your fork
  2. Create a PR to merge your branch into the master branch here, and make sure to tag an executive / mention the PR in Discord so we see it
  3. We'll likely request some changes before it is merged
  4. Once it's good, a few minutes after the PR is merged the feature should be live, since Automata uses CI/CD :)

Container responsibilities

Automata is comprised of a number of containers, each with distinct responsibilities. Their responsibilities are as follows:

Container Responsibilities
automata The Discord bot itself
mongo A MongoDB server used to provide persistent data storage to the automata container


Discord bot handling the management of the MUN Computer Science Society Discord server.





