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Brett Barwick edited this page May 10, 2016 · 11 revisions

Visualize Package

The goal of the package is to allow users to visualize various algebraic and combinatorial objects in the browser through Macaulay2. The GitHub repository for the package is located at

Group members:

  • Brett Barwick
  • Tom Enkosky
  • Branden Stone

Workshop Goals


  1. Resize the svg canvas when the user resizes the browser window. (Completed 5/7.)
  2. Don't allow users to enter spaces or illegal characters when modifying names of vertices, since this will cause the graph constructor to not export correctly back to Macaulay2. (Completed 5/7.)
  3. Add option for the neighbors and connected edges of the selected vertex to be highlighted. (Completed 5/8.)
  4. Change "End Session" text to "Session Terminated" (with a red background for emphasis) when user clicks to end the session and export the constructor back to Macaulay2. (Completed 5/8.)
  5. Add numerical graph invariants (chromaticNumber, independenceNumber, etc). (Completed 5/8.)
  6. Create workaround for 2000 character limit when exporting TikZ code to a javascript alert. (Completed 5/8. Added clipboard.js functionality in the side menu to allow the user to copy the TikZ code from an box to the clipboard.)
  7. Complete visualize(Graph) documentation.


  1. Add bootstrap side menu. (Completed 5/9.)
  2. Implement server communication with Macaulay2. (Completed 5/10.)
  3. Write boolean tests for digraphs. (Completed 5/10.)


  1. Fix the error when trying to use non-numeric labels for vertices (can't compare the symbolic name to the numeric name).
  2. Integrate bootstrap side menu. (Completed 5/9.)
  3. Implement server communication with Macaulay2. (Completed 5/9.)