Download Eval copies of Windows and convert them EVAL to Full ISO Standard/DataCentre/Enterprise etc
legally. .. i believe
Work in Progress but all parts work independently. Just putting them together.
Download Eval ISOs from MS.
Mount ISO.
Copy ISO source to folder.
DISM add key to Install.wim and set version to Full version Enterprise/Standard/Datacentre/etc
Adds KMS key - now needs fixing
Setting Version - now needs fixing
Use New-IsoFile function to create ISO (With thanks! by Chris Wu)
Have a coffee.
To do:
Change the Win 10/11 to filter type and add their keys correctly. Not build number
Dont just put the enterprise key in for home. add the home key amongst others
Have a better multidimentional array fro Windows tye including key. That could the size and complexity lines by a lot. (find Rohans Suggestion from wk!)
Add CAB updates?
Clean up
Remove EVAL iso at the end
Remove Source folder at the end (After testing)