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Perform hard selective masking of ancient DNA deamination patterns, using the output misincorporation frequency estimates of MapDamage (


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Perform hard selective masking of ancient DNA deamination patterns, using the output misincorporation frequency estimates of MapDamage.

Ubuntu MacOS


pmd-mask is a simple preprocessing and quality filtration command-line utility designed to selectively mask potentially deaminated nucleotides within ancient DNA alignement files, changing putative deaminated bases to N and quality to !.

This method may be regarded as a conservative compromise between post-morterm damage rescaling methods such as MapDamage or PMDtools, and hard-clipping methods such as the trimBam module of bamUtil. Here, pmd-mask instead leverages nucleotide and position specific misincorporation rate estimes emitted from MapDamage to selectively trim read ends, up-until the local misincorporation rate reaches a designated, user-defined threshold (default: 1%). This approach can thus greatly mitigate the loss of information usually displayed when applying hard-clipping on ancient DNA samples, by specifically targeting potential C>T and G>A transitions on both the 5’ and 3’ end of the read, respectively.

An illustration of how pmd-mask operates
Figure 1. An illustration of how pmd-mask operates.




This project is written in Rust, and thus requires cargo for source compilation.

To install cargo:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Run the test suite from the repository's root
cd pmd-mask && cargo test
  1. Compile and install
RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-cpu=native" cargo install --path .
  1. pmd-mask should be located within ~/.cargo/bin/ and included in your PATH
pmd-mask --help


Data requirements:

The following inputs are required to use PMD-mask:

  1. An input bam file (SAM|BAM|CRAM formats are accepted). pmd-mask can either read from a file (using -b|--bam) or from the standard input, through shell piping.
  2. A MapDamage-v2 misinscorporation.txt file. This file provides strand-specific PMD frequency estimates, which are used to compute the threshold at which masking should be performed. Use -m|--misincorporation to specify this input. Of course, this file must have been obtained from your input bam file to provide with a sound estimate.
  3. A reference genome. This genome must of course be the same as the one used to align the aforementionned bam file. Use -f|--reference to specify the path to your reference
pmd-mask --reference data/GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assemby.fa --misincorporation test-sample-MD-folder/misincorporation.txt --bam ./ 

Optional parameters:

  • The PMD-frequency threshold used to apply masking can be specified with the -t|--threshold parameter (Default: 0.01)
  • The name of the output can be specified using -o|--output. When unspecified, pmd-mask will flush results to the standard output.
  • The output format can be specified using -O|--output-fmt. (SAM|BAM|CRAM format accepted). When using BAM or CRAM, the compression level can be specified using --compress-level.
  • Use -@|--threads to allocate additional cores to the program. This can speed-up the (de)compression rate of your input and output files.
  • Add -v|--verbose flags to increase the verbosity. Multiple levels: -v: Will output general information (INFO) -vv: will output general information (DEBUG) -vvv: will output detailled debug information (TRACE). Not that warnings are still emitted, no matter the verbosity level. This behavior can be disabled using the -q|--quiet flag, which will inhibit all logging.

A more detailled example:

  1. Filter autosomes using samtools (notice the -h flags on this command, which is required to communicate the header information to pmd-mask)
  2. Apply PMD-masking with a threshold of 2%
  3. Pileup this sample, while targeting the Reich 1240K Compendium positions.
  4. Run grups-rs to compute an approximate estimate of the individual's average heterozygocity.
samtools view -h ./MT23/ {1..22} | pmd-mask -f ./hs37d5.fa -m ./MT23/misincorporation.txt -Ob --threshold 0.02 --quiet | samtools mpileup -RB -q25 -Q25 -f ./hs37d5.fa.gz -l ./v52.2_1240K_public.bed - | grups pwd-from-stin --samples 0 --self-comparison --sample-name MT23


Running benchmarks and regression testing

Listing benchmarrks:

cargo bench -- --list 2>&1 | grep "bench$"

Running a quick bench using all benchmark files (3s warmup time, followed by 5s measurement time)

cargo bench

An HTML report should be available in the target/criterion subdirectory

firefox ./target/criterion/report/index.html

Running a specific bench:

cargo bench --bench apply_pmd_mask -- --warm-up-time 10 --measurement-time 60

Getting code coverage metrics for the pmd-mask codebase

Install llvm-cov

cargo install llvm-cov

Run llvm-cov

# Using shell output. either stdout or pager
cargo llvm-cov --workspace --all 
# or 
cargo llvm-cov --worskpace --all --text | less -R

# Html report
cargo llvm-cov --workspace --all --open

# lcov format
cargo llvm-cov --workspace --all --lcov >


Perform hard selective masking of ancient DNA deamination patterns, using the output misincorporation frequency estimates of MapDamage (








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