These directories contain topaz scripts that do useful stuff. They can be invoked using rake – i.e.
rake maglev:input_file[src/topaz/filename]
For example, this will load a boatload of Seaside goodness into a running MagLev image.
rake maglev:input_file[src/topaz/Seaside30/loadSeaside.topaz]
and this will fire up Seaside on localhost:8383
rake maglev:input_file[src/topaz/Seaside30/runSeaside-Swazoo.topaz]
You can trace the execution of these scripts and watch for errors using
touch $MAGLEV_HOME/log/maglev/topaz.log tail -f $MAGLEV_HOME/log/maglev/topaz.log
Some Rake scripts modify the $GEMSTONE environment variable. You aren’t allowed to do that if Rake is running in MagLev. To work around this limitation, disable the pre-installed Rake Gem
mv $MAGLEV_HOME/bin/rake $MAGLEV_HOME/bin/maglev-rake
Some scripts start processes that require /opt/gemstone/locks, which may not exist on your system. Here’s one way to create it
if [ ! -e /opt/gemstone ] then sudo mkdir -p /opt/gemstone /opt/gemstone/log /opt/gemstone/locks sudo chown $USER:${GROUPS[0]} /opt/gemstone /opt/gemstone/log /opt/gemstone/locks sudo chmod 770 /opt/gemstone /opt/gemstone/log /opt/gemstone/locks else echo "[Warning] /opt/gemstone directory already exists" echo "to replace it, remove or rename it and rerun this script" fi
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