- 6/16/2022 最新更新:上海抗疫互助网站于 5月31日 12:00 闭站。已经在这个repo备份的数据将会继续保留。定时备份功能已暂停。
随着上海疫情防控向常态化防控转换,生产生活秩序正在有序恢复,上海抗疫互助网站于 5月31日 12:00 闭站。 今后我们将以“四月花志愿者组织”长期运营,继续关注独居老人、慢病用户等市民求助,用公益服务民生,大家可以扫码关注我们(请移步daohouer.com)。
- 6/16/2022前更新:
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Power BI 可视化面板,每天自动从Github repo拉取三次刷新数据, 匿名制作并授权添加
If you need to submit/view the up-to-date information, or want to be a volunteer, please refer to daohouer.com
This scraping project started on 4/15/2022, which would periodically backup data from daohouer.com. We hope to record the voices from the website. There was another one which no longer exists, and the requests for help have gone forever. daohouer.com is the second one, and we hope that it can last longer.
Great thanks to people who hosted daohouer and all those who contribute to Shanghai.
The following content is from daohouer.com:
We are daohouer Salute to those who are on the front line combatting covid, doctors and nurses, police, volunteers, and so on Salute to organizors who make the help sheets, and those who spread the influence on the internet and initiate "node aid" Salute to the founder of FTP site Great thanks to 陆惠菊、洪楷、李静、NOIR、一鸣 who support this site We are normal people who follow the government's call to stay at home. We see and hear people's needs around us. We do what we can to help. We don't ask for reward. We only hope that Shanghai can get better soon.
Power BI dashboard, data is auto pulled from github repo 3 times a day, Contributed and authorized usage by Anonymous