Was originally designed to get/send midi commands to a GrandMA but can be configured to bind any custom SysEx or midi (or whatever actually) message
To do so add a custom patch (or use a currently defined one, but chances are patches made for one SysEx won't work on another) and add a parser in the mapping directory
- Mostly mido (pip install mido) for the midi binding and rtmidi (sudo apt install python-rtmidi)
- test.py depends on the submodule minitest witch also depends on blessings (pip install blessings). test.py is not a core part of the program
- This program is python3 dependant (on linux you must install the python3 dependencies instead (pip3 install mido and install python3-rtmidi))
- [interface] : All important information concerning the midi interface
- input : Choose which Midi interface to listen to
- output1 : Choose which Midi interface to output to; an arbitrary number can be specified that way
- inputchanel : Which midi channel to listen to
- outputchannel1 : Which midi channel to output to
- mapping : The python file in mapping to setup all the mapping between input and output
- [set/1] patch the first layer of set commands, what is defined as the first layer is in the mapping file
- Basic usage : incomming note = interface/commandtype/note/intensity
- Exemples:
- 5-50 = 1/cc/11 #Map the faders 5-50 to the control change 11-45 (Straight patch) on output 1
- 57-67 = 1/cc/12-32 # Will map linearly 57 to 12; 58 to 14 etc on output 1
- 56 = 2/note/152 #Map fader 56 to note 152 on output 2
- Advanced usage: Can add logic to the notes. NB: they must be defined first
- 56/cond = lambda x: x==50 # Function choosing conditions on the value to send
- 57/toggle = 0/127: Toggle the val between 127 and 0 every time the note is received
- 68/func = functionMappedInTheMappingInterface(note,intensity,parameters)
- TODO: Explain it better than just "look at the ones I made"
Better note / cc / pc notation
Add Fade (in ms) from one value to another
Have a way to know last value for the note/cc (the last one sent/received)
Make toggles a function modifying a variable/state and sending result
Allow for a multi-in interfaces
TODO: More testing for null interface out
URGENT : /funct with an existing trigger might not work, should be with an empty trigger anyway.
Add asynchroneous mode ?
URGENT : Crash when assigning to an existing trigger
TODO: Make a @armtake decorator
TODO: Async and Disconnection protect for VPs
TODO: Disconnect: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups' : Should handle disconnect & Crashes
TODO: Color and uncolor VP as it connects
TODO: Unified verbose printing & usage
TODO: Pagehandler: make a note handler
TODO: Color management, get colors associated to all statuses
TODO: General decorators @armtake
URGENT : Fix the connection issue
TODO: More explicit midi output/input connection error (and backup or exit)
TODO: Connect the IOHandler with handler, binding and vice-versa, check some.
TODO : Clean this step : Do a better IO handler
URGENT : Error on non existing patch is incorrect (win)
URGENT : line 341, in POSTMATCH_SCRNUPD / if match.group("postargs")[-1]=="1" trigger out of range on incorrect formatted return args (no args)
TODO: Get rid of match.group("postargs").split
TODO: clean the dprint("Using RM/Forb") and maybe rebind some of it