Live caption for Images in Indesign
- Generate captions for Images that automatically update content based on the image they touch
- Captions wrap if the caption text does not fit the caption box
- Better aligned captions then native captions
- Integrated with the native caption settings, no need for extra settings
- Works well with rotated, transformed images. Aligns caption box with the images.
- Use XMP data as captions
- The supported namespaces of XMP are IPTC, Photoshop, TIFF, EXIF, Camera Raw
Currently a full featured version of the solution is available for InDesign CC2015 and InDesign CC2017 on MAC. Download the installer and run it. If you have InDe#stalled in a location other than under /Application, choose the InDe#stall location.
- Place an image in an InDesign document.
- Right click on the Image and select, Captions>Caption Setup..
- In the resulting dialog, setup your caption. Like the text before, text after, info to be displayed in the captions box, paragraph style to apply etc. Once done click ok
- Once the caption setup is done, you can generate TruLive Caption by right clicking image and selecing Captions>Generate TruLive Captions
- Captions can also be setup by choosing Object>Captions>Caption Setup
- Issues are being tracked on the issue tab, Please add bugs and feature suggestions there