This is a bot that activates github actions workflow after it limit of 6 hours hence bypassing the limit and making the workflow almost run for 24 hours.
As we all know github only keeps a live action for 6 hours .this bot and its workflow have been programmed to start your workflow at 00:00 ,then +6 hours from there therefore making your bot almost always online .
Upon activation after 6 hours The bot runs 5 minutes after it has been activated hence to allow the previous session to complete and start a new session .
what you will neneed is add your
- github token from github API
- the creators username
- the Repository name of the repo you wish to automate with this bot
- The yml file name of the Repository you wish to automate its github actions
save the secrets using the following format in order for them to be properly acceessed by the yml and files ;
- "TOKEN" (this is your token from github)
- "REPO_OWNER" (this is the username of the owner of the repo you wish to automate github actions )
- "REPO_NAME" (this is the name of the repository you wish to automate its github workflow)
- "WORKFLOW_ID" (this is the name of your workflow or yml file e.g 'python-app.yml')
If you dont understand this instructions i have created a .env file above use the same format to input your github secrets for this code
for testing purposes o have creted a repository you can clone and use it to see if its workflow will be automatically be started or renewed here it is
if you encounter any problems feel free to ask for help
If the code has problems or it isn't working please tell am also open to recommendations .