DecentraBnB is a decentralized Web-App that allows users to Rent or Rent Out a Place by giving some informations:
- Renting phase: In this case it is required to fill 3 camps respectively: Place ID, Starting Day of the rent and Ending Day;
- Renting Out phase: In this other case it is required to fill: Price per day (ETH), Place address and Place Description.
It is also possible to set as inactive a place but only if connected with the address that preventively added a Place as available for renting.
- Solidity
- HardHat
- React
- Ethers
- Tailwind (for styiling)
- Install node.js (
- Create two folders: Smart Contract and client
- cd client
- Inside terminal > npm init vite@latest > follow instruction
- Inside terminal > npm install
- Inside terminal > npm run dev (to see if all has been installed correctly
Follow ( instructions
- Cd client
- npm install react-icons
- cd smart-contract
- npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
- npx hardhat
- cd client
- npm run dev