Neovim plugin for selecting, replacing and formatting colors via a (beautiful) color palette.
- Insert, replace and reformat the color under the cursor.
- Customizable size color palette (color resolution).
- Full customizable keyboard navigation.
- Support for RGB, RGBA and HEX formatting.
Using lazy.nvim:
{ 'MarcosTypeAP/color-picker.nvim' }
Using vim-plug
Plug 'MarcosTypeAP/color-picker.nvim'
Using packer.nvim
use { 'MarcosTypeAP/color-picker.nvim' }
: Insert a new color at the cursor. Accepts an optional initial color
: Replace the color under the cursor with a new one. Accepts an optional format
: Changes the format of the color under the cursor. Accpets format
local picker = require('color-picker')
local actions = require('color-picker.actions')
defaults = {
-- palette size (min 12x18)
-- (!) this plugin is not intended to work on fullscreen,
-- (!) choosing large values may lead to artifacts
-- (!) due to the way highlight groups work
height = 12,
width = 18,
-- jump length
jump_v = -1, -- -1 = sqrt(height)
jump_h = -1, -- -1 = sqrt(width * 2)
-- char used to indicate current hue
hue_char = '|',
-- hue step per rotation (in degrees)
hue_step = 10,
-- format used when inserting a new color
format = 'hex',
-- palette mappings
mappings = {
-- disable a mapping
-- ['k'] = nil,
-- move one cell
['k'] = actions.move_up,
['j'] = actions.move_down,
['h'] = actions.move_left,
['l'] = actions.move_right,
-- move many cells
['K'] = actions.jump_up,
['J'] = actions.jump_down,
['H'] = actions.jump_left,
['L'] = actions.jump_right,
-- rotate hue
['<C-h>'] = actions.hue_left,
['<C-l>'] = actions.hue_right,
-- select the color under the cursor
['<CR>'] =,
-- close the palette
['q'] = actions.close,
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-c>i', picker.insert)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-c>r', picker.replace)
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-c>f', picker.reformat)
-- also with options
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-c>i', function() picker.insert({ width = 20 }) end)
---@alias ColorRGB [integer, integer, integer]
---@alias ColorRGBA [integer, integer, integer, number]
---@alias ColorFormat 'hex'|'rgb'|'rgba'
---@alias PickerMappings table<string, fun(picker: ColorPicker)|nil>
---@class PickerDefaultsPartial : PickerDefaults
---@field height? integer
---@field width? integer
---@field jump_v? integer
---@field jump_h? integer
---@field hue_char? string
---@field hue_step? number
---@field format? ColorFormat
---@field mappings? PickerMappings
---@class PickerOpts
---@field defaults? PickerDefaultsPartial
---@class ReplaceData
---@field pos [integer, integer]
---@field size integer
---@field format ColorFormat
---@class OpenOpts
---@field color? string
---@field height? integer
---@field width? integer
---@field replace_data? ReplaceData
---@class InsertOpts
---@field color? string
---@field height? integer
---@field width? integer
---@class ReplaceOpts
---@field height? integer
---@field width? integer
---@field format? ColorFormat