Nest framework TypeScript starter repository with code examples.
Code here follows the basic NestJS containing the follow:
- Prisma
- PostgresSQL with Docker
- GitHub push comments with Husky
- Unit and E2E tests with Jest
This Setup also contains branches with a few examples of code, these are just suggestions/examples of how i personally create my projects and you can implement in your own code:
- Basic Clean Code NestJS organization
- Flat organization
- Factory + Query services
- Independent Repository from Services
$ yarn install
# development mode
$ yarn start:dev
# build
$ yarn build
# production mode
$ yarn start:prod
# unit tests
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# Change the file path in command in the package.json to change the file tested
# run one unit test
$ yarn test:one
# run one e2e test
$ yarn test:one:e2e
- Code Author - Marcus Silva