This project is part of the "Data Profiling" topic for the "Advanced Topics in Computer Science" course at the University of Roma Tre. The aim of this project is to provide a tool that can profile datasets and perform data normalization using functional dependencies (FDs).
The Functional Dependency App has the following workflow:
- Accepts CSV-files or Seaborn datasets as input.
- Computes FDs on the dataset using the Metanome CLI through
- Extends FDs by searching for all right-hand sides that are determined by either the same left-hand side or a subset of it.
- Filters FDs out if the union of Determinants and Dependants contains ALL attributes.
- Scores FDs based on the number of unique rows.
- Allows the user to select an FD and visualize the normalized dataset based on the selected FD.
This app is tested with Python 3.10.2 and the following libraries:
- jsonlines==3.1.0
- pandas==1.3.5
- Pillow==9.4.0
- seaborn==0.12.2
- streamlit==1.20.0
To install this app, you can simply clone the repository and install the required packages using pip:
git clone
cd Functional-Dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd Functional-Dependency
streamlit run
After running the streamlit command, the App should open in the browser. If it doesn't, you can go to http://localhost:8501/
This app has been deployed on the Streamlit Community Cloud and is available at the following URL: