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mishaschwartz edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

Installation: setting up MarkUs as a git ssh server

before version 1.12.0

To enable key pair uploads and to allow the server running MarkUs to handle git requests over ssh:

In config/environments/production.rb set:

config.enable_key_storage = true

For the rest of the setup we will assume that:

config.key_storage = "/MarkUs/data/prod/keys" = "/MarkUs/data/prod/repos"

and that you're running MarkUs on a server named

  1. Make sure the required packages are installed:
$ apt-get install openssh-server git
  1. Create a user to serve the repositories (typically this user is named git)
$ useradd -m -s /bin/bash git
  1. Put the script on the the new user's PATH and make it executable:
$ cp .dockerfiles/ /usr/local/bin/
$ chown git:git /usr/local/bin/
$ chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/
  1. The calls git-shell which the git user needs to run with super-user permissions:
$ echo "git ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/git-shell" | sudo EDITOR="tee -a" visudo
  1. Make symlinks of all relevant files:

If your MarkUs instance does not use a relative url root:

$ ln -s /MarkUs/data/prod/keys/ /home/git/.ssh/
$ ln -s /Markus/data/prod/repos/bare/ /home/git/

OR if your instance uses a relative url root (ex: csc108/)

$ ln -s /MarkUs/data/prod/keys/ /home/git/.ssh/csc108/
$ ln -s /Markus/data/prod/repos/bare/ /home/git/csc108/
$ sed -i "s@#*AuthorizedKeysFile.*@AuthorizedKeysFile /home/git/.ssh/csc108/authorized_keys@g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  1. Start the sshd service:
$ /usr/sbin/sshd
  1. Set remaining config option:
config.x.repository.ssh_url =

OR if you're using a relative url root make sure to include it:

config.x.repository.ssh_url =

Installation: Set up nbconvert virtual environment

before version 1.13.0

MarkUs uses python's nbconvert package to convert jupyter notebooks to html so it can be displayed in the browser. Install a python virtual environment with nbconvert installed. This virtual environment can be installed anywhere, in this example it is created at /some/dir/venv

python3 -m venv /some/dir/venv
/some/dir/venv/bin/pip install wheel nbconvert

Let MarkUs know where the virtual environment is installed. Set config.nbconvert in production.rb:

config.nbconvert = '/some/dir/venv/bin/jupyter-nbconvert'

Installation: create python virtual environment and download required packages

before version 1.13.0

python3.7 -m venv lib/scanner/venv
source lib/scanner/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r lib/scanner/requirements.txt
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