This capstone shows you movies and shows using 2 APIs TV-Maze, one from where we retrieve the shows, and the other one Involvement API which stores and deliver comments and likes for each movie! Check out your favourite movies from the list!
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript
- Webpack
- Jest test framework
- Using Gitflow
Click here for video description
If you installed git you can clone the code to your machine, or download a ZIP of all the files directly.
Download the ZIP from this location, or run the following git command to clone the files to your machine:
- clone your project using
git clone
- cd into the project folder
cd MovieApp-JS-Capstone-Project
- run
npm install
- run
npm start
👤 Marlyn Mayienga
- GitHub: @Marlyn_Mayienga
- Twitter: @Merl_Mayienga
- LinkedIn: Marlyn_Mayienga
👤 Ademola Owoeye
- GitHub: @githubhandle
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- A big kudos to everyone who worked hard to make this project a success.