This repository is oriented to perform simulations for federation interactions in 5G networks.
This repository uses the vnfs-mapping
submodule to generate the network
service graphs. To clone with the submodule run:
git clone --recursive
Following python packages must be installed for code execution:
pip install networkx==1.9.1
pip install AgglomCluster
The NS jukebox tool utils/
randomly generates network service
graphs based on a set of characteristics specified within a configuration file
as the one in utils/config/nsGenConf.json
These are the parameters available in the configuration file:
- splits: number of splits within the NS graph. A split is the point in the network service graph where a VNF1 receives traffic only from VNF0, but then forwards traffic to VNF2...VNFn;
- splitWidth: number of VNFs after the VNF split, if VNF1 forwards traffic towards VNF2, VNF3, VNF4; the split width is equal to 3;
- branches: maximum number of parallel flows within the NS graph;
- vnfs: maximum number of VNFs within the NS graph;
- linkTh: (min,max) values to generate the virtual links characteristics
below. If
, then the algorithm can generate a bandwidth demand between 2 and 5.- linkTh["traffic"]: (min,max) interval for virtual link bandwidth;
- linkTh["delay"]: (min,max) interval for virtual link bandwidth;
- vnfTh: (min,max) values to generate the VNF characteristics below.
- vnfTh["processing-time"]: VNF processing time required by a VNF;
- vnfTh["processing-time"]["cpu"]: VNF required CPU;
- vnfTh["processing-time"]["memory"]: VNF required memory;
- vnfTh["processing-time"]["storage"]: VNF required disk;
Following example generates 2 NS graphs based on the example configuration
file, and stores the virtual links and VNFs CSVs under /tmp
$ python config/nsGenConf.json 2 /tmp
Generating 0-th NS for config config/nsGenConf.json
VNF CSV at: /tmp/vls-0.csv
VL CSV at: /tmp/vnfs-0.csv
Generating 1-th NS for config config/nsGenConf.json
VNF CSV at: /tmp/vls-1.csv
VL CSV at: /tmp/vnfs-1.csv
For each generated network service, two files are created. One for the virtual links:
and another for the VNFs:
This script performs the clustering of a network service graph given the virtual links and VNFs CSV files.
It is executed running:
python /tmp/vnfs-1.csv /tmp/vls-1.csv /tmp
where first and second arguments are the VNFs and VLs CSV files generated with
, respectively.
And last parameter is the directory where the clusters are stored following
naming convention
That is, the script tries to create from 1 up to len(VNF)
clusters, then it
generates CSV files for the VNFs and VLs within each cluster.
=== 2 CLUSTERS ===
| ns-1-clusters-2-cluster0-vnfs.csv
__cluster-0__| ns-1-clusters-2-cluster0-vls.csv
vnfs-1.csv |___/
vls-1.csv | \ | ns-1-clusters-2-cluster1-vnfs.csv
\__cluster-1__| ns-1-clusters-2-cluster1-vls.csv
=== 3 CLUSTERS ===
__cluster-0__ ...
vnfs-1.csv |___/___cluster-1__ ...
vls-1.csv | \
\__cluster-2__ ...
5G-TRANSFORMER Project under Grant 761536. Parts of this paper have been published in the Proceedings of the IEEE BMSB 2018, Valencia, Spain.