Materials science experiments involve complex data that are often very heterogeneous and challenging to reproduce. This was observed, for example, in a previous study on harnessing lightweight design potentials via the Materials Data Space [3] for which the data from materials sciences engineering experiments were generated using linked open data principles [1,2], e.g., Resource Description Framework (RDF) as the standard model for data interchange on the Web. However, detailed knowledge of formulating questions in the query language SPARQL is necessary to query the data. A lack of knowledge in SPARQL to query data was observed by domain experts in materials science. With this work, we aim to develop NaturalMSEQueries an approach for the material science domain expert where instead of SPARQL queries, the user can develop expressions in natural language, e.g., English, to query the data. This will significantly improve the usability of Semantic Web approaches in materials science and lower the adoption threshold of the methods for the domain experts. We plan to evaluate our approach, with varying amounts of data, from different sources. Furthermore, we want to compare with synthetic data to assess the quality of the implementation of our approach.
[1] T Berners-Lee, J Hendler, O Lassila - Scientific American, 2001, 284, 34–43.
[2] RDF specification. 2023. available at:
[3] Huschka M, Dlugosch M, Friedmann V, Trelles EG, Hoschke K, Klotz UE, Patil S, Preußner J, Schweizer C, Tiberto D. The “AluTrace” Use Case: Harnessing Lightweight Design Potentials via the Materials Data Space®.
Flask App Frontend Application Showing The Benefits Of Rich Semantic Material Science Data And Exemplar Usage.
The code is supposed to run as docker-compose stack
git clone
cd KnowledgeUI
pip install -r requirements.txt
Your app will be available at http://localhost:5000
Clone the repo with
git clone
cd into the cloned folder
cd KnowledgeUI
Build and start the container.
docker-compose up
author = {Andre Valdestilhas and Thomas Hanke and Soudeh Javamasoudian and Ghezal
Ahmad Jan Zia and Horst Fellenberg and Thilo Muth},
title = {{NaturalMSEQueries - A natural way to query
Material Sciences Engineering data experiments}},
year = 2023,
booktitle={22nd International Conference on WWW/Internet - ICWI 2023},
volume = {22},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.35533.41444/2},
url = {}