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Releases: MateuszKubuszok/GameTheoryTools

Master thesis ready

02 Jul 21:53
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  • master thesis and presentation,
  • code refactoring,
  • debug and release builds,
  • fixed Context,
  • fixed calculation of Nash equilibria in games with negative payoffs,
  • Clang warning removal in parser,
  • fixed Bison macros,
  • some classical examples,
  • precompiled headers in building,
  • sped up build on Travis and Sublime Text.

Warnings and memory leaks removal

14 Feb 18:04
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Removed memory leaks caused by lack of cleanup after GLPK library initialization, removed Bison warning caused by ambiguous grammar, changed arguments in gtl_program to be small capitals.

Mixed strategy equilibria for 2 player strategic form games

13 Feb 23:14
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Added mixed strategy equilibria routines for 2 player strategic form games, made project compile without warnings on Clang compiler, made error messages display column number, bunch of small fixes in e.g. building script.

Building on Windows and Context saves/loads files

17 Jan 22:21
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Project builds on Windows system. Context is able to load data from file as well as store them. User is also able to preview current state of a Context. Documentation contains information on building project as well as some tutorial for parser.

Pure strategy routines and documentation

25 Dec 22:15
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Contains initial support for pure strategy equilibrium Routines for both strategic and extensive forms, conditions and Doxygen documentation. Some code readability fixes and other minor improvements.

Extensive-form pure strategies equilibrium

20 Dec 12:24
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Implemented extensive-form pure strategies equilibrium routine, better program parametrization, slightly better XML format, added licence information.


28 Nov 04:40
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Cleanup Pre-release

Memory leaks removal, cleanups and documentation improvement. Overall preparations for routines implementation.

GTL Parser demo

28 Nov 04:39
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GTL Parser demo Pre-release

Initial GTL parser demo version made for checking how current assumptions worked out.