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Benchmarks and examples for a "Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi" presentation

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Derivation benchmarks

Take a look at Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi presentation.

JSON round trip


  • circeGenericAuto - 1 JSON roundtrip with import
  • circeGenericSemi - 1 JSON roundtrip with import io.circe.generic.semiauto
  • circeMagnoliaAuto - 1 JSON roundtrip with automatic derivation implemented with Magnolia
  • circeMagnoliaSemi - 1 JSON roundtrip with semi-automatic derivation implemented with Magnolia
  • jsoniterScalaSemi - 1 JSON roundtrip with recursive semi-automatic derivation with Jsoniter Scala
  • jsoniterScalaSanely - 1 JSON roundtrip with sanely-automatic derivation using Jsoniter Scala under the hood (on Scala 3)

circeMagnolia was based on since I couldn't find any maintained up-to-date Magnolia-based derivation for Circe.

Compilation time of the module (with only 1 needed implicit)

                     Scala 2   Scala 3  Units
compilation of      cold hot  cold hot
circeGenericAuto      14   4    46  16      s
circeGenericSemi      12   3    10   1      s
circeMagnoliaAuto     13   2    65  32      s
circeMagnoliaSemi     12   7    12   2      s
jsoniterScalaSanely    -   -     9   1      s
jsoniterScalaSemi     10   4     8   1      s

Scala 2 runtime performance:

[info] Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto    thrpt  10   7.319 ± 0.011  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi    thrpt  10   6.775 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto   thrpt  10   7.689 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi   thrpt  10   7.838 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi   thrpt  10  20.081 ± 0.151  ops/ms

Scala 3 runtime performance:

[info] Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt   Score   Error   Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto     thrpt   10   0.490 ± 0.432  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi     thrpt   10   4.607 ± 0.014  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto    thrpt   10   0.077 ± 0.039  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi    thrpt   10   5.590 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSanely  thrpt   10  21.408 ± 0.070  ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi    thrpt   10  21.480 ± 0.070  ops/ms

Show output generation


  • showGenericProgrammingAuto - Show output of a value generated with automatic derivation (implemented with Shapeless on Scala 2, Mirrors on Scala 3)
  • showGenericProgrammingSemi - Show output of a value generated with semiautomatic derivation (implemented with Shapeless on Scala 2, Mirrors on Scala 3)
  • showMagnoliaAuto - Show output of a value generated with automatic derivation (implemented with Magnolia)
  • showMagnoliaSemi - Show output of a value generated with semi-automatic derivation (implemented with Magnolia)
  • showSanely - Show output of a value generated with sanely-automatic derivation (implemented with cross-compilable macros and Chimney-Macro-Commons)

showMacros (used by showSanely) were implemented in a naive way, just inlining everything:

  • the first version generated code that didn't fit the method limit
  • which is why the code on master uses lazy vals to split the code internally into smaller methods (but still in a naive way)
  • meanwhile the code on cache uses defs to reuse the derived code and save time both during compilation and in runtime
  • since this ability is quite useful and the code implementing it looks scary this utility was added to Chimney Macro Commons 1.5.0 - cache-using-chimney looks much less terrifying :)
  • I turned that branch into a GitHub template if you wanted to experiment with cross-compilable macros ;)

Compilation time of the module (with only 1 needed implicit)

                            Scala 2   Scala 3  Units
compilation of             cold hot  cold hot
showGenericProgrammingAuto   15   5    53  29      s
showGenericProgrammingSemi   10   2    10   2      s
showMagnoliaAuto             10   1    43  15      s
showMagnoliaSemi             10   2     9   1      s
showSanely                   14   4    16   5      s

Scala 2 runtime performance:

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  2.651 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  2.829 ± 0.033  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  3.621 ± 0.017  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.745 ± 0.028  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  2.202 ± 0.359  ops/ms

Scala 3 runtime performance:

[info] Benchmark                                Mode  Cnt  Score   Error   Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto  thrpt   10  0.156 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi  thrpt   10  3.492 ± 0.013  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto            thrpt   10  0.090 ± 0.023  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi            thrpt   10  3.918 ± 0.012  ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely                  thrpt   10  2.204 ± 0.396  ops/ms


Benchmarks and examples for a "Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi" presentation




