This code is for plotting IPCC-style Robinson projections centred on the dateline (standard for ocean-based outputs). This is extremely problematic in R - raster, tmap, ggplot2 do it cleanly with a lot of data often missing. Often the projection simply fails. I spent a day or two trying to resolve this inside R before resorting to calling GDAL directly from inside R to do the job.
Inside this repo is a function that does the trick, an example plot, a practice raster, and a Pacific-centred, Robinson projected shapefile.
Note that:
1 - You will need to install GDAL from the terminal (see,, or similar).
2 - The paths in both the function (GDAL path) and the example code are relative to this folder.
3 - I know that you could potentially use package gdalUtilities, but that requires some extra reading, and I found some initial GDAL script ( so just modified that for execution from within R.
Written by David Schoeman (USC)