All the homeworks and labs written in a 3D JavaScript library three.js
Homework | Description | Requirements | Deployed Codepen Link |
1. Obelisk | An obelisk is rendered using geometry, faces, vertices, and can be modified using dat.GUI sliders. |
HW #1 Requirements | Obelisk |
2. Clown | A clown is rendered using nested transforms of mesh created by new Object3D objects, materials, colors, and various geometries given by the three.js library such as spheres, cylinders, torus, and cones. |
HW #2 Requirements | Clown |
3a. Camera (Wireframe Barn) | In previous assignments, the camera was set up by the TW library. In this assignment, the camera set-up by the student, which faces a wireframe barn. The assignment asks to adjust several camera parameters: the field of view, eye coordinates, aspect ratio, near, far, and up coordinates for a total of 5 views. |
HW #3a Requirements | Wireframe Barn |
3b. Camera (Flythrough) | (Continuation of part a ) In this assignment, the camera set-up is done by the student on facing a house. The assignment asks to adjust several camera parameters: the field of view, eye coordinates, aspect ratio, near, far, and up coordinates for a total of 9 views. |
HW #3b Requirements | Flythrough |
4. Lit Scene | Previous assignments have used MeshBasicMaterial . However, this assignment incorporates MeshPhongMaterial (double sided, single sided, specular, color, and shading) and the use of three different types of lights: ambient , directional , and spotlight to create a scene with a sconce that shines across a room. |
HW #4 Requirements | Lit Scene |
5. Textured Barn | This assignment uses textures, texture coordinates, AmbientLight , DirectionalLight , MeshLambertMaterial , MirroredRepeatWrapping , RepeatWrapping , and UVMapping of the texture coordinates to create a barn with different modes specificied in the created dat.GUI :
HW #5 Requirements | Textured Barn |
6. Creative Scene | In the final assignment, we are instructed to "apply several of the computer graphics concepts we have learned in the course this semester." These are the concepts used:
HW #6 Requirements | Creative Scene |