MealMaster is a mobile app that helps users find and save their favorite recipes.
- Search for recipes by name, ingredient or category
- View detailed recipe information, including photo, ingredients and instructions
- Save favorite recipes to a personal collection
- Send favorite recipes to a friend via email
- Dark and light mode support
- Firebase authentication and user data storage
to run the app locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal
- Run flutter pub get to install dependencies
- Run flutter run to start the app in android emulator
Note: You will need to have Flutter and the Android/iOS development environment set up on your machine.
- Flutter
- Dart
- Firebase Authentication
- TheMealDB API
- Android emulator (Pixel 3a API 29)
Welcome page
Register page (Firebase auth).
Login page (Firebase auth).
Home screen where user can search recipes or get random recipes. Navbar makes navigation easy.
Results for "fish" (MealDB).
Favorite page. User can remove or send recipe via email.
Settings page with working Dark/Light mode and Log out.
Darkmode in Home page.
Recipe received via email.