This is a simple application that runs in the tray.
Configure by entering URLs in the appSettings.json file.
You may also configure how often the services are checked by changing the Interval field (default is 10 minutes)
When a service is down, a notification will be sent as a toast.
The icon in the tray will display Green: if all services are up and running Red: if at least one service is not running
Right click on the Tray in the icon to view the status of each service. Click an individual service to launch the corresponding URL in your default browser. Click 'View Logs' to see the history of service checks. Click 'Exit' to close the application
The application is best run by placing a shortcut in your startup folder: \\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Added refresh option to menu Added installer Added help link to confluence