Project for Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence course at the University of Bologna. Tablut Player for 2018/2019 Tablut Challenge INF
Intelligent Tablut Player written in Java based on state exploration using MinMax.
- SingleThreaded MinMax with Iterative Deeping and AlphaBeta Pruning and partial ordering between iterations.
- Heuristic strongly based on playing around the King.
The executables can be found in jars directory. To play a game the server must be started first.
cd jars
java -jar Server.jar
Then launch Daniele selecting the role ( additional options can be used to select time to make a decision and verbose mode).
cd jars
java -jar Daniele.jar White/Black [Time] [verbose]
jars/server.jar and lib/TablutCompetion.jar are from
Daniele got first place in 2018/2019 edition of the challenge
By Matteo Castigliò e Mauro Rondina.