PR #1217 #1963
GitHub Actions / Test Results - 3.8
Feb 5, 2025 in 0s
1 fail, 5 skipped, 94 pass in 19s
100 tests 94 ✅ 19s ⏱️
1 suites 5 💤
1 files 1 ❌
Results for commit 0757795.
Check warning on line 0 in duckdb_engine.tests.test_basic
github-actions / Test Results - 3.8
test_preload_extension (duckdb_engine.tests.test_basic) failed
results.xml [took 5s]
Raw output
duckdb.duckdb.IOException: IO Error: Failed to install 'httpfs'
The file was built specifically for DuckDB version '1b8c9023d0' and can only be loaded with that version of DuckDB. (this version of DuckDB is 'v1.2.0')
#x1B[0m#x1B[37m@mark#x1B[39;49;00m.skipif(os.uname().machine == #x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33maarch64#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m, reason=#x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33mnot supported on aarch64#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m)#x1B[90m#x1B[39;49;00m
#x1B[94mdef#x1B[39;49;00m #x1B[92mtest_preload_extension#x1B[39;49;00m() -> #x1B[94mNone#x1B[39;49;00m:#x1B[90m#x1B[39;49;00m
> duckdb.connect().execute(#x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33mINSTALL httpfs#x1B[39;49;00m#x1B[33m"#x1B[39;49;00m)#x1B[90m#x1B[39;49;00m
#x1B[1m#x1B[31mE duckdb.duckdb.IOException: IO Error: Failed to install 'httpfs'#x1B[0m
#x1B[1m#x1B[31mE The file was built specifically for DuckDB version '1b8c9023d0' and can only be loaded with that version of DuckDB. (this version of DuckDB is 'v1.2.0')#x1B[0m
#x1B[1m#x1B[31mduckdb_engine/tests/[0m:265: IOException