This is a program to scraping the site "". It is only necessary to inform the name of the game that you wish collect information and the program will return almost all data available in the site.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- BeautifulSoup v4.9.1
- Requests v2.22.0
To install you can download manually from GitHub or run the following command:
git clone
First we need to import the main class called HowLongToBeat
from howlongtobeat import HowLongToBeat
And initialize
hltb = HowLongToBeat()
To search a game is necessary to use the complete name of the game. The following example we are searching about "Dark Souls III". Don't worry about sensitive case :)
result = hltb.search_game('dark souls iii')
If the game we are searching be found all data collect will be stored in the class "HowLongToBeatData" that we can access using the follow command:
Let's get the 'developer':
'From Software'
To check all information collected from the game we can use the follow command:
Normally the games don't have all information that we collect because don't exist for that game or nobody submitted yet. These information will be classified as:
The program looks for the game with the same name that we typed, if you look in the site "" when we search a game using the full name the results list will show an option with a green name.
If the name typed don't result an option with a green name the return will be:
To store time, was created a class. where we can store and collect what we wish.
If we type only the name we receive a complete time text:
32 hours 30 minutes 0 seconds
To collect only the hour, minutes or seconds:
If you have suggestions, found bug, or something wrong. Don't be shy, tell me using the issue or submitting pull requests.
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Maxwell F. Barbosa - MaxwellFB
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Thank you PurpleBooth for providing