In a given set of points in 3D, a point (x1,y1,z1) is said to be maximal if no other point (x2,y2,z2) is present in the given set such that x1<x2 & y1<y2 & z1<z2 all simultaneously.
First line consists of an integer specifying the number of points in the space
Second line onwards every line consists of one point each, represented by integer cordinates X Y Z seperated by a single space
input.txt is a sample input file
First line consists of an integer specifying the number of points in the maximal set.
second line onwards every line consists of an integer no. denoting index of a maximal point in the input file, considering that indexes starts from 0.
./ Input_file_name.txt output_file_name.txt
Where Input_file_name is the name of the file from which inputs would be taken and output_file_name is the name of file where the output would be written.
Make sure that input file already exists
In case error prompts that permission is denied, execute chmao +x, and then again try.