ROS package which receives Vicon data from the AML Windows XP computer and publishes a ROS PoseStamped topic.
Tested stable on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo but should be backward compatible to Hydro and Groovy.
- Make sure connected to SharfNahon Wifi Network
- Create a folder in your catkin_ws/src called /simple_udp.
- Unzip these files into catkin_ws/src/simple_udp.
- Navigate to catkin_ws/src/simple_udp and run the command 'rosmake' (this is an older package). You should see 51 built 0 failures.
- Navigate to catkin_ws and run 'catkin_make'. You should see this package is built.
- To run the node, do 'roslaunch simple_udp vicon_udp.launch' from any folder.
- Do 'rostopic list' and 'rostopic echo vicon_pose' to validate the topic is active.
NOTE: This package requires you are properly streaming Vicon data from the AML Windows XP computer.
- Open Vicon IQ
- Select or edit Active Objects
- Open C:\ViconUDPStreamer\ViconStreamer.conf
- Change last row IP address to Linux Receiving Computer IP Address (make sure it is on the SharfNahon Wifi network!)
- Run C:\ViconUDPStreamer\Vicon_UDP_stream.exe VERBOSE SYSTEM_TIME