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Copyright (c) 2016, McMahon Lab
All rights reserved.


During August 20-21, 2015, the McMahon and Forest Labs carried out a 24 hour sampling of Lake Mendota. This repo describes the data and analysis associated with this expedition, known as OMD-TOIL (Operation Mendota Drain: Transcriptomics of Inland Lakes).

Samples were collected approximately every two hours from 6am on August 20 to 6am on August 21. A subset of samples were subject to RNA extraction, rRNA depletion, spiking with an internal standard, and sent to the UW Biotech Center for sequencing. Resulting sequences were subject to computational rRNA removal and downstream analysis. Additional samples were subject to DNA extraction, and again sent to the UW Biotech Center for sequencing.

This repository ('repo') describes the experimental and analytical procedures associated with this project.

Data Organization

We have established separate locations for storage of data and analysis associated with this project.

Data are stored on the McMahon Lab's private server (Zissou) in the /lakes_data/Metatranscriptomes/omd-toil and /lakes_data/Metagenomes/omd-toil folders. The merged+trimmed subfolders contain processed fastq files which are suitable for analysis while the raw folders contain the original reads. Reads were processed as described below.

Protocols and scripts are stored in the OMD-TOIL repo on the McMahon Lab's GitHub account.

Repo Table of Contents

This repo describes the following analyses. Clicking on each link will take you to the appropriate location.

  1. Sample collection
  2. Internal standard addition
  3. Sample RNA extraction
  4. rRNA removal, cDNA synthesis & library preparation
  5. Quality-filtering & trimming
  6. rRNA removal in silico
  7. rRNA analysis

Protocols associated with the experimental steps (1 to 4) are in the protocols folder. Scripts and workflows associated with the computational steps (5 forward) are in the scripts folder. Metadata about the samples are in the metadata folder. Each step is contained within a numbered and named folder, such as protocols/01_sample_collection.

How To Contribute

Lab members who wish to contribute to the project should contact Josh Hamilton.

To contribute to this repo, create a fork in your personal GitHub account and clone the repo to your personal computer (or your home folder on Zissou.) Changes to the repo should be made in a new branch. When you have made your changes, submit a pull request, requesting your new branch be merged into McMahonLab:master.

When submitting a pull request, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Follow the proper file structure, as described in the Table of Contents section.
  • All files should be text-based. Git cannot track changes made to binary file formats such as doc, xls, pdf, etc.
  • Each set of scripts should be accompanied by a README file, which contains the information described below. We recommend using MarkDown, as it renders nicely on GitHub.
  • Data are not to be stored in this repo. Instead, upload your data to your home folder on Zissou, and indicate these data in your pull request. The data will be moved to lakes_data and symbolic links created. Additionally, you may wish to retain your data files in your local branch of the repo; in that case, you may indicate these data files in a .gitignore file committed in your local repository.
  • Update the master file with a new Table of Contents entry and link.

Contents of a Good README File

If you are contributing scripts, workflows, or analysis to this repo, please provide a README which contains the following information:

  • A header, indicating who wrote the README and did the analysis, along with your contact information
  • A summary of the prodecure, explaining the purpose of this step and a justification of the approach
  • A list of required software, with instructions on how to install it
  • Scripts or workflows that run the analysis (a script) or walk the user through the necessary commands (a workflow).
  • Documentation for each script, including the expected inputs and outputs

The goal is to make your analysis fully reproducible. The documentation should enable another scientist to fully recreate your analysis and results! Feel free to check out other McMahon lab repos for README ideas.

Repo Structure

├── metadata
│   ├── OMD-TOIL_RNA_Metadata.csv               # RNA extractions
│   ├── PAR_data.csv
│   ├── YSI_data.csv
│   ├── field_checklist.csv
│   ├── filtering_plot_data.csv
│   ├── filtering_raw_data.csv
│   ├── nutrient_collection.csv
│   ├── secchi_data.csv
│   └── totalReads.csv                          # Total sequenced reads in each sample
├── protocols                                   # Experimental protocols
│   ├── 01_Sample_collection
│   ├── 02_Internal_standard_addition
│   ├── 03_Sample_RNA_extraction
│   └── 04_Prokaryotic_Illumina_RNA_libraries
├── scripts                                     # Computational analysis
│   ├── 05_Quality-filtering_trimming
│   ├── 06_rRNA_removal_in_silico
│   ├── 07_rRNAanalysis


Analysis of OMD-TOIL metatranscriptomic data






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Contributors 4
