This repo contains scripts, protocols, and workflows for computational analyses.
mothur workflow for our 16S time series data. This workflow is designed to start with a BIOM table and .fasta file of unique sequences.
- Instructions for running the BIOM table through mothur and explanation of commands and scripts usednames_from_shared.R
- Creates a .names file from a .shared fileremove_seqs_from_shared.R
- If sequences have been removed from the .names file, this script will also remove these from the .shared file- `shared_to_count.R'- Converts .shared file to a .count file
Scripts for batch generation of genome-scale metabolic models using KBase.
- Instructions for batch generation of genome-scale metabolic models using
- Perl script for pushing local genomes to KBase.
Information pertaining to installation of MetaPathways and for building PGDBs using MetaPathways and PathwayTools.
- Instructions for installing MetaPathways on the
- Protocol for building a PGDBConfig
files - configuration and parameter files for running MetaPathways locally and on the server.
Scripts for building ortholog groups from proteomes, using OrthoMCL. Also contains a stand-alone script which runs all-vs-all BLAST jobs on multiple processors.
Scripts for building phylogenetic trees. Currently only contains scripts for building tree using Phylosift marker genes.